HttpsRequestHandler Constructors

Represents a wrapper around the class HttpClient. It provides an abstraction so you can interact with an Http Request with a single method.


Namespace: Tipi.Tools.Http

Assembly: Tipi.Tools.Http.dll

Package: Tipi.Tools.HttpRequestHandler


Initialize an instance of a HttpClient with default headers.

Initialize an instance of a HttpClient with a bearer token as Authentication.

Initialize an instance of a HttpClient with a the headers passed inside the Dictionary, this works by using the Dictionary Key as the Header Key and the value as its value.

Initialize an instance of a HttpClient with a bearer token as Authentication and custom Headers provided using the Dictionary.


This constructor initialized an HttpClient class with all it's default values.


    public HttpsRequestHandler();

This constructor initializes an HttpClient class with a header with a Bearer token that is provided as string.


    public HttpsRequestHandler(string token);
HttpRequestHandler(Dictionary<string,string> )

This constructor initializes an HttpClient class with aditional headers provided as Key Value from a dictionary.


    public HttpsRequestHandler(Dictionary<string,string> headers);
HttpRequestHandler(String, Dictionary<string,string>)

There is also an Overload that combines both a Bearer token and custom headers.


    public HttpsRequestHandler(string token, Dictionary<string,string> headers);